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    Company News

    The first batch of epidemic prevention materials of Chinese

    Together we fight the plague. Since the "new type of pneumonia" epidemic broke out across the country, tong Ling Medicine United Zhanjiang Yimin Medicine Co. , Ltd. has donated large quantities of medical masks, N95 masks, alcohol, iodophors and other epidemic prevention materials to government organs, hospitals and military departments at all levels on the frontline of Zhanjiang's epidemic prevention, helping to win the new coronavirus epidemic prevention, control and interdiction war. On January 27, the first batch of 25,000 surgical masks donated by the alliance of Psychic Medicine and Yimin Medicine arrived at the Zhanjiang Center for Disease Control. On February 3, the second batch of 15,000 donated surgical masks arrived at the management committee of the Zhanjiang Development Zone. On February 5, the third batch of epidemic prevention supplies donated by Yimin medicine were 2,000 medical masks and 60 bottles of alcohol donated by the sanitation workers of Zhanjiang Urban Management Bureau Donated 3,000 masks, 100 N95 masks, 300 bottles of iodophor disinfectant and 150 bottles of alcohol for Guangdong Medical University. The donated materials were distributed to the affiliated hospital and the affiliated Second Hospital for use on the spot Donated 2,000 surgical masks, 120 bottles of iodophor disinfectant and 150 bottles of alcohol to Zhanjiang Central People's Hospital. As of February 5, Zhanjiang Yimin Medicine Co. , Ltd. donated more than 53,000 masks and nearly 1,000 bottles of disinfection supplies, fully supporting the epidemic prevention and protection work in Zhanjiang. Corporate social responsibility is a warm and firm force under the epidemic haze, psychic medicine for epidemic prevention and control and public health to make new contributions!

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