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    You can't rely on others, you must rely on yourself! With the sound of machines day and night, masks were quickly made. The problem of the difficult source of the mask has been thoroughly solved. At the beginning of March, the psychic medicine has owned own mask production line, has realized "the mask psychic creation" truly. At the same time, the production line of N95 face mask has been gradually constructed and perfected. A seemingly simple mask can be molded in one second on the production line. But from "a mask is hard to find" to guarantee supply, mask purchase to mask production, "psychic" medical masks from scratch, the story behind is more complicated than the construction of the machine. Masks were purchased and donated. Since the outbreak of the "new type of pneumonia" in Zhanjiang, large numbers of people from Hubei have been stranded in Zhanjiang, and the epidemic has spread rapidly, there is already a shortage of surgical masks, N95 masks, alcohol and other protective products on the market in Zhanjiang. This life-saving mask, Zhanjiang people need! The people of Hubei need it! In the first-line anti-epidemic medical staff more in need! In order to help people from all walks of life in Zhanjiang to alleviate their current difficulties, psychic medicine, in collaboration with Zhanjiang Yimin Medicine Co. , Ltd. , has raised epidemic prevention materials in various places, a large number of batches of medical masks, N95 masks, alcohol, iodophors and other epidemic prevention materials were donated to government organs, hospitals and military units at all levels on the frontline of Zhanjiang's epidemic prevention! On January 27, the first batch of 25,000 medical masks donated jointly by Psychic Medicine and Zhanjiang Yimin Medicine Co. , Ltd. reached the Zhanjiang Center for Disease Control and Prevention. On February 3,15,000 medical masks were donated to the residents'committee of the Development Zone. February 5, three times to donate to the first-line units donated mask epidemic prevention supplies. For the first time, 3,000 masks for medical use, 100 masks for N95,300 bottles of iodophor disinfectant and 150 bottles of alcohol were donated to Guangdong Medical University For the second time, 2,000 medical masks, 120 bottles of iodophor disinfectant and 150 bottles of alcohol were donated to Zhanjiang Central People's Hospital For the third time, 2,000 surgical masks and 60 bottles of alcohol were donated to the sanitation workers of the Zhanjiang Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau. From the first donation of anti-epidemic materials to February 5, a total of more than 53,000 masks and nearly 1,000 bottles of disinfection supplies were donated, fully supporting the anti-epidemic and protection work in Zhanjiang. As of February 14, over 160,000 yuan in epidemic prevention materials had been donated. Corporate social responsibility is a warm and firm force under the epidemic haze, psychic medicine for epidemic prevention and control and public health to make new contributions! Mask from purchase to production, although psychics continue to donate masks to the community, but this is not enough donations, because the daily consumption of masks is too large! Mask production is difficult everywhere, mask sources become difficult. Coupled with the soaring price of face masks, to the community great pressure. In the face of this dilemma, Psychic Medicine decided to do its part. With the shortage of equipment, core materials and manpower, the company is seeking multi-resources to purchase a large number of mask raw materials and mask production machines to gradually achieve the goal of "mask channeling. ". From the mask production line completed, three shifts a day, 24-hour machine non-stop, in order to solve the company mask source problem, alleviate the social mask demand difficulties. The boss and the related person in charge take pains to supervise the production line every day to ensure the normal operation of the machine and ensure the daily output. Even so, our city mask is still nervous, unit companies gradually resume work, schools will soon face to open, the market need to mask the number of increase, need more types of masks. This means that the general medical mask can not meet the market demand. Therefore, psychic medicine gradually set up children's mask production line and N95 mask production line. Realize the diversity of mask production line, self-motivation to do the best. From the outbreak to the control of the epidemic, every staff member of psychic medicine has been at his or her post and never stops. From the purchase of masks, to the transport of masks, to the donation of masks, it is the general manager and the heads of departments who personally arrange the personnel, personally talk with each other, deploy the motorcade to personally transport, personally deliver to the person in charge of the donated hand. From the purchase of masks to production, can not be separated from the general manager as well as the leadership of the department's Personal Guidance and supervision, but also can not be separated from the entire division of the close cooperation of staff. Every employee sticks to his post, working overtime day and night, putting every minute to good use. Psychic medicine shouldered the social responsibility to deliver urgently needed materials to the government departments and institutions in Zhanjiang to fight the epidemic. It helped all sectors in Zhanjiang to resist the merciless virus and fight the epidemic together! Believe that the courage to act as a psychic medicine company, the general manager and the entire division of staff with one mind, will become the city to make greater contributions!

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